We are familiar with Bob Eaton of RR auction in Boston. This was the guy who sold a large quantity of autographed memorabilia to a customer some years back , issuing COA’s from RR for purchase. The customer then went to ANOTHER 3rd party so called authenticator to fortify his provenance whose board of Directors included Mr Eaton on the printed company masthead and who promptly rejected ALL of the signatures, this after being in possession of COAs from Mr Eatons company originally they were verified. Yes. it got legal but point is stink seems to find this guy as now family of Tom Petty making accusations stated here.

by | May 26, 2023 | Collector News, General interest Rock N Roll news, Music industry news, Rock n Roll memorabilia, Uncategorized

Tom Petty’s family is pursuing legal action against RR Auction house. It has been announced that an auction of personal property of Petty’s that the family believes has been brazenly stolen from a secured location based on prior knowledge and legal proof. They are pursuing all available legal action for return of these particular items, and are asking that fans and collectors refrain from participating in this auction until the matter resolved to avoid getting further involved in this potential legal quagmire.

Family’s statement

“We believe RR Auction, headquartered in Boston, is offering stolen Tom Petty memorabilia with a completely false provenance inaccurate to fact and in complete denial of clear evidence they have been presented. They will not disclose the cosigner who has provided these items or how they were acquired. But they are clearly stolen, there is no other word for it.”

The missing articles include the personal items and items from the professional career of their beloved Tom Petty —all with an established provenance in the Petty family’s secure storage —which include jackets, hats, vests, boots, shirts, shoes, autographed items and recent exclusive limited editions easily traced back to family members and more. “These items have irreplaceable sentimental and educational value for the family and legacy of Tom Petty and we want them safely returned.