Verification of Business/Corporation Status

Michael E. Dehn

Michael E. Dehn

President + CEO

Metro Pulse, Inc®®
Media Python®

(312) 520-0204


Metro Pulse, sole owner of, was created in May 1980 and has been a continually running enterprise since that time, celebrating its 43rd year in business as of May of 2023.

Founder and CEO, Michael E. Dehn, has been involved in the sale of rock memorabilia for most of that time as evidenced by the display/review of his achievements included below.

Michael E. Dehn has been involved in the memorabilia business for most of his adult life. His professional experience includes helping design the Rock ‘n Roll McDonald’s in Chicago (supplying much of the memorabilia in it – see below) to running a successful mail order business for decades. During this time, he has witnessed the explosive growth of the value of rock ’n roll memorabilia.

Dehn holds a Guinness World Record in the memorabilia field for buying, as an individual, the most unused tickets to an event.

Mr. Dehn currently also operates and (mediapython) as newspaper digital magazines generating thousands of readers daily thru his online and Twitter platforms.

Documentation: Selling the most unused tickets to a one-time musical event.

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Documentation of Rock ‘n Roll McDonald’s

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Documentation: History of Metro Pulse, Inc.

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It was a pleasure and honor to be asked to judge the Middle School Business Classes 8th graders entrepreneurial ideas and projects. Not seeing whether or not they were listening, I have great pride in posting the proof that they were doing just that.


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